My FaNtAsY

My FaNtAsY
(^_^) JuSt FoR FUN!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Hye guyss!! Long time since ma last update,i know its been a long time but seriously,i've got nothing to say dohh~~ hehehe,just still with the same gurl,hope our relationship will last forever,i luv u fara ain!!!! >_< home nie,the suasana die tuu taklah ok sangat i mean still got problem with ma brothers but this is ma family kan,and about ma motorcycle,i dunno lah nak beli motor apa,i mean,come on lah,i dunno...huhuhuhu....i miss all ma friends kat college,serius....takpe2,nanti baliklah aku kat college,sabar2...hehehe...ermm...apa lagy my job was just sleeping jew the entire day~~~~ heheheh..teruk kan?? Habis,dah takde kerja lain nak buat,yg laptop aku nie plak,asyik my little bro jew yg pegang and main game jew kerja die,huhuhu..sabar jelah aku...well...i guess thats it...good nyte everyone!!!! Nanti aku update lagy yea...and sygg,if u reading this,i just want to say i luv u like crazy and u are ma everything!!!!! >_< 1437~~^^ ^_~

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Hye guys,long time no see ya,i know i didn't update ma blog for a long time,but now i'm back!!!Hehehe...emm....well~~~i got a problem actually and tension ryte now,thats why i came here,to confess all ma feelings....the truth is,many things have happen to me lately,there are good things and bad...thingyyy...i hate to talk about this but i must and i should,that is the purpose i build this blog,its to express all the bad thingy in here..huhuhuhuhu...

well,recently,i just came back to Kuala Terengganu,and i have to finish my motorcycle license in this week but its hard,i dunno why but it feels soo hard to finish it and now my mum start yelling and screaming at me like i'm a total jerk. The truth is, i'm not very good at driving motorcycle and i think i have told that in ma blog ryte?? Well, and my dad!!!! He is such a crap!!! I mean he keep calling me everyday to go to K.L and i hate ittt!!!! I'm really sick of him,sick of everything!!! Yes,i want to go to K.L dad but i have to finish ma motorcycle license here,mum have paid the fee soo i must finish it here,not there....understand?? Haihh...i'm really tired...and i'm sick of life,i really am....damn i miss ma friends!!! and ma gurl!!! I really wish i can see her ryte now...huhuhuhu...i hope all this problem will go away as soon as possible..and ma result is coming out soon!!!!! Ohhh F&%$ i hate it~~~ Its not that i hate ma result is just that i'm scared ma IPC and ma Record Management subject....God...please help i'm really scared and felt like the world is falling apart from me.....

What comes around,goes around~~~~
(does't have any connection in ma life,just wanna type it for fun ^_^)