My FaNtAsY

My FaNtAsY
(^_^) JuSt FoR FUN!!!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Something About me~^^

1. Real name: Syed Muhammad Naquib Adhzeem AlHindwan Bin SYed Putra

2. Nickname(s): Syed,Najib,Adhzeem

3. Favorite color: blue and Green~^^

4. Male or female: male

5. Elementary School: Chinise-ish and dunno :pp

6. Middle School: SK Sri Gedong 4ever!!!

7. High School: SMK Pinang Tunggal/Tengku Bariah~^^

8. College: Kolej Poly-Tech Mara ALor Setar~^^ yay!!

9. Hair Color: black

10. Tall or Short: Tall

11. Sweats or Jeans: Sweats

12. Phone or Camera: ermm~ p~h~o~n~e

13. Health freak: not a chance :pp

14. Orange or Apple: Apple <3

15. Do you have a crush on someone: right now??

16. Eat or Drink: DRINK~

17. Piercings: Not me~

18. Pepsi or Coke: ermm~ 7up please~^^


19. Been in an airplane: want to but nope~ :pp

20. Been in a relationship: yess!!!!

21. Been in a car accident: just once~ does that count?? LOL

22. Been in a fist fight: wif my bro?? yes~ anyone else~ no~

23. First piercing: I'm telling u, its not me!!!

24. Best friend(s): sooo far~ just Aiman~

25. First award: what is this question??

27. First word: LOVE

28. Last person you talked to: today?? my mother~

29. Last person you thought of: Farah~ LOL sorry~

30. Last person you texted: My gf of course??

31. Last person you watched a movie with: Farah~^^ LOL

32. Last food you ate: Rice!!

33. Last movie you watched: Men In Black 3 <3

34. Last song you listened to: Angels by Within temptation~

35. Last thing you bought: My PlayStation Vita <3

36. Last person you hugged: My mother~


37. Food: A lott!! Does it have to be specific??

38. Drink: Air Laici and Teh O Ais~^^

39. Bottoms: ............~

41. Animal: A cat <3

42. Superhero: The Hulk!! <3

43. Movie: Action/Adventure/drama/Thrillers

44. Subject: English!!


{Put an 'X' in the brackets if yes}

45. [X] fallen in love with someone.

46. [] celebrated Halloween.

47. [X] had your heart broken.

48. [] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.

49. [x] had someone like you.

51. [ ] got pregnant.

52. [ ] had an abortion.

53. [] did something I regret.

54. [X] broke a promise.

55. [X] hid a secret.

56. [X] pretended to be happy.

57. [x] met someone who changed your life.

58. [X] pretended to be sick.

59. [] left the country.

60. [X] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.

61. [x] cried over the silliest thing.

62. [ ] ran a mile.

63. [x] went to the beach with your best friend.

64. [X] got into an argument with your friends.

65. [X] disliked someone.

66. [ ] stayed single for 2 years since the first time you had a boyfriend/girlfriend

67. [ ] had sex


68. Eating: fasting~

69. Drinking: fasting~

70. Listening: my music~

72. Plans for today: Go to Terawih!!

73. Waiting for: studying Degree in UITM Dungun(Can't waitt!! >.<)


74. Want kids: MAYBE

75. Want to get married: Yeahh~ Everyone does~ LOL

76. Career: CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
77. Lips or eyes: Eyes

78. Shorter or Taller: Dun mind~

79. Romantic or spontaneous: spontanious

80. Pets: dunno~

81. Nice or strict parent: Strict!!

82. Hook-up or relationship: neither!!

83. Looks or personality: Personality~ Duhh~


84. Lost glasses/contacts: yeah >.<

85. Snick out of a house: Nope~

86. Held a gun/knife for self defense: definitly!! NO!!

87. Killed somebody: I'm a good guyy~ :pp

88. Broken someone's heart: Everybody makes mistakes~

89. Been in love: Yesh ~

90. Cried when someone died: uhhh~ No~ just jumping happy like a crazy person!! Of course yess!!! =_=


91. Yourself: yes!!

92. Miracles: They DO HAPPEN!!

93. Love at first sight: =_=

94. Heaven: I'm a Muslim~ Go Figure =_=

95. Santa Clause: Again~ I'm a Muslim~

96. Aliens: urghh~

97. Ghosts: Muslims~ Go figure~


98. Is there one person you really want to be with right now: yes~

99. Do you know who your real friends are: I guess~ :pp

100. Do you believe in God: Islam+Muslim=Go FIGURE!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012

Late Posting~^^

Hye Guys!! Sorry for the late posting, I tell HER that i'm gonna update this blogs several days ago, now its really late >.< sorry!!! Kinda lazy at first but heyy~ a lot of things going on in my house right now, My little brother won't talk to me, and my waist hurts like hell >.< dunno why~ really worried ryte now...huhuhu.. but heyy~ At least I'm not dead right?? ^_^ emmm~ what else~ today nothing happen actually, just my normal routine life~ and heyy!! before I forgot~ maybe next week I'm heading to K.L AGAIN~ hehehe~ can't waitt~ maybe we can meet again~ MAYBE YES MAYBE NO~ :pp okay~ thats all from me~ untill then~ Byee~^^

Sunday, June 10, 2012

When Friends Met~ ^0^

Hye Guys!! Back~ Sorrry~ Its been a longggg time since my last post~ :pp I'm here today because my friend have post something about me in HER blog soo I decide to post something in my blog about HER too~ First of all, I dun believe that I will see her one dayy~ Alhamdulillah I got to see her~ My first Impression towards her~ emmmm~ from behind nampak Ayu aja, from depan~ mcm makcik!!! hehehe~ just kidding~ jgn marah yaa U~ >.< from the front nampak mcm anak dara lah~ cantik, muka penuh dgn cahaya NUR~ Ustazah lah katakan~ rajin sungguh ke surau/masjid~ bleh buat Calon Bini nie~^^ and for the first time when we met, She looks kinda nervous~ sampai sesatt~ hehehehe~ kelakar~ lepas ke mana hala entahh~ but its fun (~*^_^*~) She is a very HappyGoLucky, innocent, strong girl~ very talkative~ Its Fun hang out with herr~ Feel like I can do this everyday~ Can U?? :p ~Well~ It happen on a day called Thursday~ We plan to go to Midvalley but instead kitaorg sesat sampai Tugu Negara~ >.< But I dun mind~ cause its my first time pergy ke Tugu Negara pun~ :p Thanxxx yaa!! This is the Pic I take myself with my old Nokia5230 camera phone with only 2.0 megapixel~ >.< sooo small!! and this is HER~ wanna see her pic?? Only got the backk~ dun want to ruin the surprised~ (^_^) then Kitaorg mkn kat Foodcourt kat Tingkat atas~ First plan nak makan Subway then cari pun cari~ tak jumpa~ terpaksalah mkn nasi aja~ ala-ala makanan tradisi melayu~ its delicious but Dia makan tak habis plak~ huhuhu~ Cian kat Nasi tuu~ >.< takpe~ ada rezeki nanty Kita makan Subway plak yaa~^^ Then kita org tengok Wayang plakk~ cerita Men In Black 3~ BESTT!! Terbaikk!! First nak Avengers dia tak nak~ hehehe~ Men In Black pun jadilah~ I duduk static pun pelik kew?? Tgn I gerak jugak kott~ wekss!! Tak mcm orgg tuu~ duduk tak mcm duduk atas kerusi pun~ mcm duduk atas Tikar Picnic adalah kan?? kan?? kan?? ^0^ Conclusion nya~ Its a really Fun day for me~ Is it a Fun day for u?? Only U can answer that~ thanxxx for everythingg~ nyusahkan U jew~ and sempat plak dia bagi I something~ Geram betul!! Kalau taw~ I pun beli kat U baju gakk~ >.< papepun thanxxx for the Giftt~ Sooo sweet Of you~ Hope we can do this again~^^ Can U?? ^_^

Thursday, February 16, 2012

New Year~^^

Happy New YEar guyss!!!! Sorry lambat wish~ (dah lambat 2 bulan baru nak wish,poyo nya~) =_=. Anyway~ Really miss Blogging soo muchh!! Many things have happen in my life~ like a lott~ I buy a DSLR~ :pp New Hobby actually~ loves taking pictures of things such as flowers,animal, more to natural stuff~ weird ryte?? ANd its been like what~ three years since Izzati~ and its still hard for me to forget about her~ *sigh* I hate this feeling~ sometimes~ I quit love long ago~ just forget itt~ and heyy~ My last semester almost over~ hehehehe~ Diploma dah dapat~ Yay!! After this Degree and Master!! gambatteh!!! Thanxx to my friends who support me all the way from the beginning till the end~ Writing this blog~ Alone~ In my house at ALor setar~ Its now 10:04 P.M. Thursday night~ Scary~ :pp

This is the new me!! Dah gEmuk!! >.< Kena byakkan exercise dah skrg~ I'm trying~ but not hard enough~ huhuhu~ oklah~ Till then~ Byee~