My FaNtAsY

My FaNtAsY
(^_^) JuSt FoR FUN!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hye guys!!! Its been soo long since my last update,seriously,it feels like ages,hehe...well,i'm back at college life,nothing interesting happens actually,still got ma old friends,and guess what,for this semester i got the same class as adda(ma best friend) ^_^ isn't that great??!! I'm so glad and happy,but she complained about me,she said that i can't stop talking,and i was talkative especially to the people that i know,she said that i keep talking until she can be crazy just by hear me talking,hee...sorry adda,i promised i will stop talking after this,dun worry k....and for my subjects...emmmmm~~ i hate Note taking!!!! I mean it involves a lot of reading and memory,i mean a lot i have to remember and i hate it!!! And the lecturer is @#$^!!! Seriously,and math on the other hand is like shit!!! I hate this semester,honestly,i didn't think i can make it this semester....huhuhuhu.....syggg!!! Please support me~~ U jew yg bleh make me smile and happy~~ I need u ryte now~~~ If u read this,i just want u to know that i love u!!!! >_< Sooo~~sooo muchie!!!! Muaaaaxxxxxx!!!! Bye guys,see ya all tonite....