My FaNtAsY

My FaNtAsY
(^_^) JuSt FoR FUN!!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hari Raya~^^

Hey there, its Raya morning and i'm still in bed, just now i got a text from Fara Ain, she says sorry and all but somehow i dun feel right, i mean i'm gonna moved on, after this, i'm gonna find a real true girl that i really-really like then i'm gonna take care of her heart. I'm not gonna make the same mistakes again, and about ma number, i think i need a new number, becauze in order to moved on, i need to meet someone new in ma life soo its decided, i'm gonna buy maxis new number today, :pp.... Say byee2 to the past and hello to the future ^_^ I'm not gonna turn around anymore, the past is the past, i want to forget everything that i have done in the past and start looking ahead.

About ma feelings, ermmm....its hard to describe it but to izzati i just wanna say goodbye gurl for everything that u have done for me and thanks for hurting me soo much and make a hole in ma heart thats gonna last forever, when i think about it, god have his own plan, maybe this way, i think i will be matured enough to about all this love stuff and to Fara Ain, i'm really sorry, i made a lot of mistakes and thanks for cursing me that i will not be happy cauze that wish of urs really came true soo thank you soo muchh!!! ^_^ I really appriciate it, i mean really, i dun mind at all, its just i feel stupid around u knowing that its all ma fault and not u, being around u makes me hate maself more and more...i hope u understand what i'm saying here fara...and thanks for everything. I guess this is goodbye then. ^_^

Be safe to all k, take care and be happy always. SeLaMaT HaRi RaYa MaAf ZaHiR DaN BaTiN To all ma friends, family, all the people that knows me in this world. Just live ur life!!!!! >_<


i aSkeD fOr sTrengTh..
aNd GOD gaVe me diFficultIes to MaKe Me sTronG..

i aSkeD fOr wiSdOm..
aNd GOD gaVe mE pRobLems tO sOLve..

i AskEd fOr prOsPeriTy..
anD GOD gaVe me BraIn aNd eNergy to WorK..

i aSked fOr coUraGe..
aNd GOD gaVe me DangEr to OverCome..

i aSkeD fOr LovE..
aNd GOD gaVe me TrouBLed peOpLe to hELp..

i aSkEd fOr FaVors..
aNd GOD gaVe me OpPortUniTies..

i ReCeivED nOthiNg i wAntEd..
BuT i ReCeiVeD eVerytHinG i NeeDed..
