My FaNtAsY

My FaNtAsY
(^_^) JuSt FoR FUN!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Hey guys!!! Its been a while since ma last update,well.....there's a lot happen to me lately,i broke up with ma gf.....and it hurts me a lot...i know its a stupid choice becauze i'm choosing over my ex and its stupid!!!! All ma friends criticize me because of ma action, i know i hurt u a lot and thanks sebab praying for me will not happy with her cauze that is what's happening ryte now. I love my ex like crazy and now,she's treating me like i'm nothing!!! I dun understand....and she has changed a lot since i know her for the past 1 years and 8 month....I dun understand, she keep saying that she's matured and all but entahlah~~~ I'm confused...Emotion, Logic, Matured, all that stuff...and LOVE for the other hand...She is hurting me a lot...I text her almost everyday and every time but not one she reply and i did call her but she never pick-up, i mean she did pick-up but the time is random....mostly she didn't pick-up, and for your info Zy, thanks because your killing me from the inside, slowly and painfully..I accept u as u are but at least one message a day is enough for me to know that u care for me but not one single message u gave me, and u call me once a month, thanks a lot...YES i am childish but this is about my emotion and its my heart for god sake!!!!! Argghhh!!!!

I hate it!!! She treat me like i'm nothing!!! I......never mind...she doesn't care if i call her or not and she doesn't care if i didn't text her at all....All she said is whatever i dun care (Thats her favorite line)....what will you do if the girl you love treat you like nothing and never said i love you back to you, what will you feel?? I bet it hurts a lot ryte?? Well,thats what happening to me now. I dun know what should i do now, should i leave her?? Well,its easy saying but its hard for me to do that..(She knows me better) She should (she refers to Zy)....Why are you doing this to me?? Are u trying to make me hate you?? It will never work but it hurts me like HELL...I dunno what to do ryte now, i'm really-really confused with her~~

And fara, if u still read this, thanks for praying this to me, its working...I'm really hurt ryte now, and i bet your happy now kan?? I hope so and i betul2 mintak maaf dgn u...i hope you forgive me one day....and zy...thanks for hurting me, i really appreciate it. A lot!!! but the stupid thing is i still love you...i'm gonna disappear from your life soon, dun worry k..i'm gonna like GONE forever...i know you dun care if i'm gone or die ryte Zy?? You dun care anything about me now...just admit it..stop pretending yea..I get it you changed a lot and matured, i get it, but you know what, i'm gonna change too and when that time comes, you will realized that I'm the guy that really-really loves you but when that time comes you figured it out yourself k....