My FaNtAsY

My FaNtAsY
(^_^) JuSt FoR FUN!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

FrIdAy CoUnTdOwN~~

Hye guys!!!! Well, today is a pretty boring day and this morning, i just finish my RM (Record Management) test and its sucks cause i dun study any....huhuhu....but the question is pretty ok and i manage to answer. Guess what, today it felt like years for the night to come because i dun have anything to do i mean, i dun have any GF to go out with and all my friends, they keep online all day. Can u all imagine just online the entire day????!!! Man~~~ Life is soo boring today~~~ and nothing interesting happen to me today....emmm.....YEAH, i almost forgot..My roommates just found a kitten and its soo cute!!!! But sometimes he is being annoying.....I mean when i wake up from bed, i found him just behind my head...Hahahahaha....i was soo shock actually but i put him down the floor after that...and Fara is still doesn't text me....I miss her and i miss my family so much!!!!! I dun know whats in my mind ryte now....huhuhu...and i did watch a couple of movies in my laptop, one of the movie is entitled as SEPI...have you all heard this story before?? This story is more to a romantic/romance genre....and for me, in reality, there is no such thing as a happy ending, i mean reality is cruel and the world is a cruel place itself so yeah....for me there is no such thing as true love and there is no happy endings. Sorry guys but this is just an opinion okay...Got to go.....ITADAKIMASU!!!! See you guys later.....