My FaNtAsY

My FaNtAsY
(^_^) JuSt FoR FUN!!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

TaKinG Back My LoVE!!!!

Hye guys!!!! Wonder why my title post is a song name?? hehe..well, while i was typing this, i was listen to this song, hope you guys okay with that...soo emm....another day, another disaster....well, today i have 2 tests and i dunno whether i can do it or not.... anyway, i go to class as usual and i studied......and guess what, my mother called today, and she is really-really hope that my result is better then my last semester (2.37%) and that is soo low~~~ and my mother ask me whether if its okay if she wants to buy another cat........and i think its okay, although i'm allergic with the cats fur actually...i still can manage to live.............what the F!!! First time, i dun have nothing to write this time...ohh yeah!!! About Fara, i almost forgot, she didn't even sms me either since yesterday...Honestly, i think Izzati is trying to get rid of me in Fara's head ryte now......Damn i miss her sooo much!!!! and ohh, did i mention that i get a little fight with my friend....Girl Friend......just a friend k guys....and its really hard to persuade her to be better....Girls is complicated, trust me, i know...and i think i'm gonna be sick because my throat not feeling better....i should buy a Strepsils when i have the chance.....well, life is full of problems but i have to moved on...I really hope that Fara will text me soon.....(I really miss her) huhuhuhu......and tomorrow i got record management test in the morning at 9:00 a.m.....i hope i can do to go study now...wish me luck k guys...and give my friends up in the picture a shout-out k!!!!!!!!THANKS FOR UNDERSTANDING ME ADDA!!!! I MISS U~~~~^_^