My FaNtAsY

My FaNtAsY
(^_^) JuSt FoR FUN!!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Lost a friend......

.........hye guys...yesterday,i lost a friend of mine,he is very precious to me....he is a good friend...well,i help his family with his funeral,huhuhu..its really sad...i dunno what to say...may god bless him and save him and may he go to heaven and may god forgive all his sins...AMIN. I'm gonna miss u Suhaidi Shakfar...

Monday, May 17, 2010

To my dearest sweetheart (Fara Ain)

I've never find a love like this before
Through the fire and the rain
Through the joy and the pain
Through the night and the day
I'll give you my heart
Every word you said
Make me fall deeper in love
I know the hearts all over the world
with the love in their lives
won't feel the same...
when i'm with you...
I've never felt so beautiful
but i do now...
Cauze i'm with you...
Now that i'm in love with you...
I love you...
I love you forever...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

BoRiNg DaY~~~^^

hye guys!!! Its been a is one hell of a boring day,in ma aunt's house....someone please help me~~~~~~Miserable+Unhappy+boring+boring~~~~Sooo boring....good thing i have ma sweetheart accompany me all the time,although just talking in the phone or sms but its worth it to make me smile....and Television for me is yesterday gadget....I miss her!!!!Soo badly~~~~ 1437 baby~~^^.......U are my life sayang~^^ I always love u.....She really makes me crazy about her..dunno why...if u all notice,kebelakangan nie i asyik cerita pasal ma baby jew kan~~ hehehe...i dah lupa benda lain dah..asyik ingat die jew....i think i sakit lah...sakit cinta dgn die..^_^ hehehe.....that picture is her...soo sweet..She is my only sweetheart...and about ma license,argg~~ malasnya nak ambik,tapi terpaksa gak...huhuhu..oklah i guess...thats all for today...gotta go sms my baby..nanti balas lambat die marah...take care people....till next time...

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Girl Of ma Life~^^ 1437~^^

Hye guys~~ is hell one of a boring day..but i manage to survive it by looking at ma Girls photo..she is soo sweet and cute!!!!I love you Fara Ain!!!I can't live without u in this world....I love you and only u in ma life!!!I harap sangat2 yg kita akan ada jodoh~~^^ U make ma life complete~~~^^

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


hye guys!!!Guess what,today i got to drive a motorcycle for the first time in ma life!!!I mean i never drove one and now i have to drive one,soo suddenly,can u imagine how i got on a motorcycle for the first time,Scary+Nervous+excited hehehe.....well,it turn out pretty well i guess,and there re other two candidates(Chinese gurl and Indian girl) they also had trouble to ride a motorcycle, i mean they never ride one so they kinda have to learn slowly..just like me....and it turn out to be okay and today i was soo tired~~~ when i got back home,my maid serve me some food, then i got ma bath done then i sleep~~~~~~~ until 9:00 p.m......huhuhu...soo tired~~~~tired~~~~~ but i manage to update ma blog..and i have a date with ma gf in a phone...we talk like almost an hour or more,ohh man, the bill is going to kill me....(my aunt is gonna kill me) but its worthy fo me...I love you fara ain~~~ 1437~^^

Monday, May 10, 2010

FiRsT DaY At Ma AuNt'S hOuSe~~^^

hye guys~~ Now i'm in the mood to update ma blog,got nothing else to do meh~~ hehehe,as usual, i wake up around 8:00 a.m. and then i go to the toilet to brush ma teeth,^_^ then i go downstairs to check for any breakfast,then...the maid serve me Bihun Goreng jew,(normal food)and while i was eat,the maid prepare me a bread with sugar on the top with some butter on it,okay,i guess thats a normal maid but wait a minute!!!I saw two, no three different drinks the maid serve me (hot tea,grapes juice, and orange juice) WOW!!! In my head, this maid is way over taking care of me, i mean she treated me like i'm a King's Son....hehehe...very high standard lah ma aunt nie....and guess what, i drink all.....^_^...if this continue,i need to go to the gym or something to work out...and i update ma blog just to tell about ma maid,silly me...well,at least you all know ma matter how good the maid is,Boring still Boring k~~~~ Bored+Happy...ok guys,i need to take a shower....soo smelly in here (thats me) oklah,i'll update as soon as i got new stories in ma life k guys....(To My SYGG) Muahxx!!! Luv u!!!! Study hard k and dun notty2 taw....If you notty2 gak i have to bite you....^_^

HoLiDaY Is CaLLiNg~~~

well,as you all know,now is HoLiDaY TimE!!!!!!!! i'm in ma aunt's house,very2 boring....just got a maid here..i mean its a big house and just got a maid??!!Damn bored,but i still have ma laptop soo this is my ticket to happiness....sooo,i can feel that its going to be a long holiday this year...^_^,i can tell,and ma friend ZhiZhiZin is back!!!I mean after all the wait,suddenly i can chat with her again,its been fun chatting with her....and all ma friends in SP semua dah kecoh kata I'm coming back!!!!Yelah,kwn2 lama kan,rindu you guys!!!And to ma ehem2...i'm soo happy being with u....i janji i akan melamar u jadi GF i depan2 org nanti....dun be shy or jgn lari belakang dinding taw.....hehehe....muahxxx to u!!!!!Got nothing else to say......very2 bored here...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

TwO ThInGs~^^

Hye guys,here i am again talking about ma life everyday,honestly,i'm really tired ryte now cause i just got back from Pantai Merdeka,guess what,today i hang out with ma friends and it was soo cool and awesome,many funny moments that i will remember,hehehe..thanks guys for giving me such a good and sweet memory to remember...and the second thing is about my love life,i think i have mentioned the named Fara Ain ryte??Well,she is the girl that i have a crush on but the problem is she always think that i'm a playboy and always sweet talks with girls and cheat girls too....honestly,i am nothing like that Fara,believe me...If i was like that then i think i have already married ryte now and already have childrens....seriusly...Fara Ain,i will do anything to prove to you that i am nothing like that.....huhuhuhu...well,whats the point,you will never gonna believe me anyway....FYI,in ma love life,always like this happen,i mean when i like someone,there is always obstacle that will prevent me from getting the girl i want,like right now my situation with Fara i have one good reason why i hate ma love life....

Well,life should moved on....honestly,i think i will never get her (Fara Ain)..soo i think i should stop dreaming about her or else ma heart is going to be the victim...i'm tired already of chasing something that doesn't want me,you all know what i mean right?? Chasing something that is impossible to get,Tired~~~~ Well,at least i still have my best friend (Aiman,Adda,Sai,Anis,Aril,Along,Aizat,Ben,Wen,Safuan,Luqman,Qaiyum) thanks guys for always being there when i need you guys, especially Aiman and i hate ma love life!!!!!!You know what,when i think back,being alone is not soo bad after all,i mean think about it,when we die,we die alone ryte??Huhuhu......thats it i guess..and Fara Ain,if you are reading this ryte now well please dun be mad at me cause i like you soo much and i know you will never gonna believe me until we meet face to face right fara?? Its okay,i'm okay...i will get over this feelings soon...I think you deserve a better guy then me....i think i'm gonna let you go,even if its the hardest thing to do but i have too....being friends with you was fun and exciting..u always makes me smile,hehehe..thanks for all the sweet moments although its just on the phone or in the sms but for me its sweet and i will remember and treasure it always k fara....I'm not saying goodbye to you or anything but i think i will stop making u wanna like me...faham tak fara??I tak nak dah paksa you suka kat i..biar perasaan suka tuu datang sendiri,i tak nak paksa..soo mulai skrg i will just be a good friend to u more flirty2 with u or trying to seduce u or anything,NO MORE~~~I will just being a good friend to you and thats it...unless you yg mintak nak lebih then i jadi lebih...(i know that will never gonna happen in a million years)huhuhuhu...oklah,i'm tired+Happy...(ohh and by the way fara kan i cakap kata i nak pergi penang kan kat u,sorry tak jadi pergi sana soo kitaorg just pergi Pantai Merdeka instead,hope you faham and i tak tipu k,dah memang tak jadi last2 minute so tukar pergi Pantai Merdeka)anyway it was fun....ok guys...see ya all next time!!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

CoNfUsEd In LiFe~~

hye guys,its been a while,sorry for the long wait,i just feels lazy to update ma blog...hehehe..anyway,for the past few days,i have been through soo many things and i thought maybe its time for me to express myself....ermm....well...i'm a little confused lately and i dunno why,huhuhu...and today my best friend went on a date,hehehe,i hope it went okay for them and me as usual,just sit in my room doing nothing except playing games,online ma FB,eat,sleep...and keep doing the same thing over and over again, all can imagine how boring i was,anyway,i text message with ma friend (Fara Ain)and she says that i'm a playboy????To tell you all the truth,it hurts a lot,i mean i dun have anybody else except her and izzati and my best friend aiman and adda, and sai...thats all the friend i got and yet she talks like i have a lot of girls all around could she....the girl that i have a crush on says to me something like life sucks!!!! Well,this is reality,i just have to get over it and moved on....but seriously,i'm feeling soo lonely ryte now....someone!!Anyone!!Please help me out from this darkness!!!! I hate this place.....