My FaNtAsY

My FaNtAsY
(^_^) JuSt FoR FUN!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

HoLiDaY Is CaLLiNg~~~

well,as you all know,now is HoLiDaY TimE!!!!!!!! i'm in ma aunt's house,very2 boring....just got a maid here..i mean its a big house and just got a maid??!!Damn bored,but i still have ma laptop soo this is my ticket to happiness....sooo,i can feel that its going to be a long holiday this year...^_^,i can tell,and ma friend ZhiZhiZin is back!!!I mean after all the wait,suddenly i can chat with her again,its been fun chatting with her....and all ma friends in SP semua dah kecoh kata I'm coming back!!!!Yelah,kwn2 lama kan,rindu you guys!!!And to ma ehem2...i'm soo happy being with u....i janji i akan melamar u jadi GF i depan2 org nanti....dun be shy or jgn lari belakang dinding taw.....hehehe....muahxxx to u!!!!!Got nothing else to say......very2 bored here...