My FaNtAsY

My FaNtAsY
(^_^) JuSt FoR FUN!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

FiRsT DaY At Ma AuNt'S hOuSe~~^^

hye guys~~ Now i'm in the mood to update ma blog,got nothing else to do meh~~ hehehe,as usual, i wake up around 8:00 a.m. and then i go to the toilet to brush ma teeth,^_^ then i go downstairs to check for any breakfast,then...the maid serve me Bihun Goreng jew,(normal food)and while i was eat,the maid prepare me a bread with sugar on the top with some butter on it,okay,i guess thats a normal maid but wait a minute!!!I saw two, no three different drinks the maid serve me (hot tea,grapes juice, and orange juice) WOW!!! In my head, this maid is way over taking care of me, i mean she treated me like i'm a King's Son....hehehe...very high standard lah ma aunt nie....and guess what, i drink all.....^_^...if this continue,i need to go to the gym or something to work out...and i update ma blog just to tell about ma maid,silly me...well,at least you all know ma matter how good the maid is,Boring still Boring k~~~~ Bored+Happy...ok guys,i need to take a shower....soo smelly in here (thats me) oklah,i'll update as soon as i got new stories in ma life k guys....(To My SYGG) Muahxx!!! Luv u!!!! Study hard k and dun notty2 taw....If you notty2 gak i have to bite you....^_^